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Operators in Named Expressions

Operators operate on symbols, strings, and numbers in named expressions. These are the types of operators:

  • arithmetic — ^ (exponentiation), *, /, \, Mod, +,

    Both / and \ are division operators; the former produces a result of type double, the latter type integer.

    Following are examples of expressions containing arithmetic operators (" -> " is shorthand for "evaluates to").

    1 + "4" -> 5
    2.3 * 3 -> 6.9
    12/5 -> 2.4
    12\5 -> 2
  • comparison — <, <=, >, >=, =, <>, and, and or.

    Following are examples of expressions containing comparison operators:

    20 < 10 -> False
    7 >= 7 -> True
  • conditional — IIf(conditional,true-result,false-result)

    Following are examples of expressions containing IIf:

    IIf (500>200, "math OK";, "math wrong") -> "math OK"
    IIf (500<200, "math OK", "math wrong") -> "math wrong"
  • string concatenation — &

    Following are examples of expressions containing &:

    1 & "4" -> "14"
    "Dog" & " and " & "Cat" -> "Dog and Cat"

Combined Symbols

You can build more complex expressions by combining symbols into longer ones. For example:

System.Math.Cos(System.Math.PI*45.0/180.0) -> 0.707
System.String.Length("Dog" & " and " & "Cat") -> 11

The first symbol evaluates to the cosine of a 45 degree angle. The second symbol evaluates to the character length of three concatenated strings.